Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Common Fallacies - Part 2

I.               Ad Hominem Argument
1.     Person A makes claim X.
2.     Person B makes an attack on person A.
3.     Therefore person A’s claim is false.
Tony: “I believe that life occurred on Earth because we happen to be the right distance from the sun and atoms interacted to cause life.” 
Bill: “Tony wants us to believe that the origin of life was an “accident”.  Tony is a godless man who has spent more time in jail than in church, so the only information we should consider from him is the best way to make license plates.

II.            Straw Man Argument
1.     Person A has viewpoint X.
2.     Person B presents position Y, which is a distorted(비뚤어진) version of X.
3.     Person B attacks viewpoint Y.
4.     Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
Sarah: “GMO crops should be more regulated.”
Tom:If we take away farmers' ability to grow genetically engineered crops, if we eliminate that option, people will go hungry, nay, people will starve. Unlike my opponent, I choose to use the technology available to us and save lives

III.          Slippery Slope Argument
1.     Event X has occurred (or will or might occur).
2.     Therefore event Y will inevitably (필연적이다시피) happen.
Tina: “I am for all people being able to marry who they love.”

Colin: “If we allow same-sex couples to marry, then the next thing we know we'll be allowing people to marry their parents, their cars and even monkeys.

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